Easing Workplace Discontent in Stressful Times

Besides more typical HR work for clients, my practice includes workplace investigations. I have been hired to conduct several workplace investigations this year.  Last year I had none.  So, I’ve been wondering why this year is more fraught with workplace complaints, in both remote and in-person work environments.  A contributor may be that people are frazzled, burnt out and not dealing as constructively with workplace situations as they did in the past. 

In a webinar I attended earlier this year on trauma-informed investigations, it was raised that everyone has gone through trauma in their life in some form and to some degree.  But not everyone has fully healed, and many are experiencing new or reawakened trauma due to the pandemic and/or other world events. 

Legitimate workplace concerns have been raised, but this year seems different and more intense. This past year has been heavy and traumatizing to the general population in many ways, and impacting some more than others very personally, including staff and management.  Some turn to work to keep busy, and may not even realize they are just hanging on below the surface, and perhaps unconsciously acting out, reading negativity into relatively normal interactions or leaking their unconscious biases into the workplace.

First, there is a lingering grief over the injustices and cruelty certain groups have been facing for generations, cracked wide open since last spring.  Positive steps have resulted, but it still seems like an open wound for many that is going to take time to heal, understandably. Members of many groups continue to experience significant trauma, pain and distrust, and exhaustion and overwhelm from processing so many feelings.

As well as the group-specific issues, we are all dealing with the stress of constant shifts in policy and status of a global pandemic, rifts over vaccines and masks, and what this all means to our health and safety, our families and friends, our work, workplaces, work-life balance and culture.  What will back to school be like this year? Will kids be forced to come home due to another outbreak?  Will they be safe?  Will I have the flexibility to work from home?  Will that be productive or distracting?  How will a hybrid model work?  Having all of this uncertainty go on for over a year is also quite exhausting, and we are facing another several months or more of restrictions, shifts and unknowns.

In addition, some may have friends or family members trying to flee a distressed or war-torn country, or recovering from devastating floods, fires, earthquakes or tornadoes.  Some consider global climate issues to be the main existential crisis of our time. 

If you are lucky, these issues may not occupy the front of your mind on a regular basis, but it’s a constant undercurrent for many, and some are dealing with several of these issues simultaneously while trying to have a productive life work and outside of it.  Many who didn’t already have a mental health issue are probably at least dealing with some form of mild anxiety – and hopefully recognizing and managing it effectively.

Work can be a great outlet and distraction from one’s own personal or the world’s troubles. Or it may seem insignificant by comparison, so it can be harder to keep some staff motivated.  Some go the other way, take a lot of pride in their work and feel it’s something they can control.  Therefore, some may not take feedback as easily. You may find people taking feedback more personally or critically than you are intending. You also may not be delivering it as well.

Being busy, impatient or frustrated sometimes as a manager is not harassment.  Neither is reasonable performance management.  However, you may be more on edge, or some staff may be more sensitive and on edge for their own reasons.  Staff’s personal issues are not your fault, but be aware of where your leadership or communication style may benefit from some adjusting to bring greater clarity, lend more of an ear, or ease pressure on staff as needed.  

A pretty consistent theme in investigations is that many people just want to be heard, and once an impression is made it can be hard to change. In the absence of good communication, negative perceptions and issues can snowball due to confirmation bias. Next thing you know, you may be faced with a harassment complaint. 

I believe that if managers or leaders spend more time with staff and really listen to them (assuming they are willing to share which is another issue and can’t be forced), many of them will not become complainants.  I am not suggesting to get into staff’s business if they don’t want to share personal information, but if concerns come up and management makes it known that they are accessible and willing to listen, genuinely, some initial uncomfortable conversations can effectively pre-empt larger issues later.

Other things management can do – perhaps obvious but good reminders heading into the next wave:

  • Ensure your staff know they are valued.  Make an effort to compliment and recognize staff more than ever.  And show it, not just tell. Try to find different ways.  Celebrate and reward wins of all sizes. Find ways for staff to socialize, have fun and occasionally blow off steam.
  • Take care of yourself too. Put the oxygen mask on yourself before assisting others, as the saying goes.  As a manager or leader, your role means staff are looking to you for guidance and support. They don’t necessarily realize (or care) if you are struggling to keep the wheels on the bus. Get whatever support you need, so you can help staff get through these difficult times toward your shared goals.
  • Cut some slack in timelines, and accommodate needs, where possible.  For example, distinguish what goals are required from what would be nice to complete this year.  If someone asks to work from home because they are afraid of getting Covid at work or on public transit, want to be home for their kids or just prefer it, you are not required by law to accommodate that request (i.e., those reasons aren’t medical).  However, it may make longer term sense to accommodate someone in the short term, which can be negotiated and put into an agreement with an exit clause if it’s not working.
  • Offer wellness (mindfulness, nutrition, sleep, exercise etc.) programs or allowances, and EAP (Employee Assistance Program – free, confidential counseling from qualified professionals).  Your group benefits plan may also cover a portion of counseling costs if staff want to source their own mental health professionals.  But that benefit is usually limited, whereas EAP is not.
  • Make yourself available and genuinely listen, to a point.  Empathy will probably be the most helpful thing you can offer.  But don’t become therapist.  If it gets too deep, it is appropriate to say, “I’m sorry you are going through this. I believe this topic may be getting beyond my realm of professional expertise and perhaps becoming more personal than I’m comfortable with, but I want to support you to get help.”  Suggest considering EAP, flexwork, maybe paid or unpaid time off, and other appropriate resources staff can turn to, such as family, friends, family doctors, counselors, clergy or other trusted advisors.

Small steps such as this can be greatly appreciated and make people feel heard and valued as a person, not just an employee. That can go a long way towards retention also.

It is also important to manage staff if they are not performing well.  If left unchecked, not properly managing poor or dysfunctional performers can lead to bigger issues in work outputs and drag a team down. Don’t ignore it or be afraid to talk to the person if they’re under stress.  Share the feedback as gently and constructively as possible, and ask them if everything is OK.  If outside issues come up, offer support such as referenced above, but reinforce the performance issues and expectations.  It is up to staff to manage their own health and personal issues so they can perform effectively to the expected level of their job. 

If a claim of harassment or discrimination is made, it is your obligation to get details and look into it.  You may need an independent investigator, but sometimes an inside look will suffice if done properly.

My intent here is to try to help avoid stress and misunderstandings from getting to a breaking point, and remind everyone to demonstrate empathy and understanding as significant workplace shifts will continue for a while.  Check in with yourself. Check in with others. Your staff, culture and business will benefit.

Talking about Racism and Inequality in the Workplace

A few weeks ago, a university friend posted a link to a video of Hal Johnson describing discrimination against him at TSN, leading him to create Body Break.  Mr. Johnson was candid about his experiences, but not bitter.  It’s been one of many interviews I’ve watched in the last few weeks of black Canadians sharing their own personal stories of discrimination in the workplace, and what they’ve tried to do to overcome it, while suffering in silence. It’s been very moving and humbling, to say the least. 

I commented on my friend’s post that I admired Hal’s resolve and positivity, and that he turned unfair treatment into a positive contribution in ways he may not have planned for or foreseen, including normalizing bi-racial couples. My friend’s point was that he shouldn’t have been disadvantaged at work in the first place because of his skin tone. I was seeking the bright side, as Hal seemed to be, but he’s of course right about that.   

This story made me reflect on the many work environments, especially in the ‘80s and ‘90s, with virtually no minorities or female representation in leadership roles (still the case in many organizations unfortunately), and pretty rampant harassment and discrimination, cloaked in jokes and practices which were acceptable then.  It was “just how it was” and few or no options for greener grass if you challenged or left it. 

There was very little to no challenging or complaining by anyone those days, at least less than now. Most people kept their stories and feelings to themselves or close friends.  It was the context of work at the time, which enabled a lot of bad behaviour that would be considered unacceptable now under many office policies and employment laws. 

Upon further reflection, I’m sure there were times in my career that I benefited from being a white female, and other times that was a disadvantage.  Overall though, I acknowledge the privilege of being a white female, now more than ever.  I worked hard and put myself through university and law school, but appreciate now that those jobs would probably not have been available to a BIPOC, looking back on those work environments at the time. 

I moved to Kentucky with my mother and stepfather as I was entering grade 3,and grew up in Lexington, a relatively affluent and educated city, until sophomore year at University of Kentucky, then moved back to Canada and transferred to University of Western Ontario to complete my undergraduate degree.  My family was middle class but there were no black people in my neighbourhood or school.  All the black people lived in another part of town.  It was evident.  No one spoke about it.  It was just how it was.

I was assigned a black roommate on campus first year at UK.  She was from Louisville.  We got along well, laughed a lot, but she hung out with her black friends, and I hung out with my white ones.  She joined a black sorority, and I joined a white one.  They were segregated, and had different recruitment (“rush”) times of year.  We never spoke about it.  It was just how it was.  I remember wanting to have a joint party of her sorority and mine, and my boyfriend’s fraternity and her boyfriend’s fraternity, which seemed mirrored to each other. We never spoke about it, and I moved to Canada.  Opportunity missed. 

I lived with this girl for 8 months, and have no idea if (i.e., how many times) she felt discriminated against at school or shopping or walking down the street.  To me, she had no cares in the world.  She was always laughing, joking, and carried herself with such confidence, way more than I felt about myself.  I admired her.  It never occurred to me that she may have been hiding some pain.  We got along great, but we didn’t ask each other a lot of questions.  It was mostly banter about the day to day, classes, boys. I didn’t know or have the confidence to ask her if she experienced any racial injustices, and she wasn’t forthcoming on the topic.  She did not appear to need an ally, but not knowing her better is another missed opportunity.  I suppose I kept my cards close to my chest too, but that’s another story…

When I came to Canada, especially Toronto, it was a whole new world, that seemed so much more inclusive and progressive. Towns, schools and workplaces were much more integrated. Everyone peacefully co-exists, and even hangs out together!  I love living here, the diversity, the vibrancy, the tolerance and sense of community and belonging.  This is how it should be!  Right? Well, not entirely.

I still think Canada is the best, but it is not without flaws. Some have known, and some are now learning, that it’s not perfectly equitable.  Relatively good, or better than it was, is not enough. There has been progress, but systems and practices and mindsets (many unconscious) are still in place that hinder historically oppressed or disadvantaged groups.  There is lots of room for improvement.

Fortunately, in this province and country we have a Human Rights Code supporting protected groups who have been disadvantaged, and a court system that favours the less advantaged (employee) in the workplace power imbalance.  There is also the court of public opinion, reputation and brand.  Companies are coming to realize that news travels fast via internet and social media, and how leadership and management treat people can come back as loyalty, new sales – or to bite them, in both a business and recruitment sense. 

At least in corporate settings, I’ve seen many shifts and steps towards education and more diverse and inclusive representation in many workplaces. There is less tolerance of harassment and discrimination, and more proactivity to prevent it.  We can’t change the past, but we can continue to strive to educate ourselves, do better and teach the others to do better than we did – and let others teach us. 

It’s a watershed moment with a more collective conscience and momentum now, an inspiring time.  It is also a good time to ask yourself if you want to be part of these positive changes, or sit on the sidelines. 

This River I Step In, Is Not The River I Stand In – Heraclitus proverb on Riverside Bridge, Toronto

The attention on black racism right now is much needed, and also bringing up a lot of pain for people who have been historically disadvantaged, including Indigenous, LGBTQ+ and people of colour.  We need to allow people space to feel it, express it, release it, then work together to make the changes that are needed. 

I have heard on more than one occasion since the public execution of George Floyd and recent Black Lives Matter movements, right here in Toronto, the that no one at “the office” is asking how they are doing, whether managers, HR or even colleagues.  This is causing them more pain. 

I also know there is a lot of fear of misstep, of doing or saying the wrong thing. 

Recently, I facilitated an employment law refresher with a white and Asian executive team.  Topics included interview pitfalls and micro-aggressions – e.g., well-meaning comments or jokes, even compliments, that inadvertently offend individuals or groups, typically by reinforcing negative stereotypes.  As usual, managers and leaders are afraid to say anything to anyone after one of these sessions, which I don’t mind.  Awareness has been raised, and hopefully more caution and clearer communications will result.

What I’m hearing from black friends and colleagues is don’t be silent; reach out, be available, try, and assume you will mess up.  Be open to learning a different perspective than what you thought you knew.

What this translates to for leaders and colleagues is have the conversations, listen, be humble.  Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.  Learn from someone else’s experience.  Leaders can also offer EAP benefits for those who need further counseling or confidential advice.

Supporting/encouraging a multi-racial diversity & inclusion (D&I) committee can also be a great step in some environments, where members can feel safe to share experiences, educate others in the organization, and share concerns as well as proposed ideas and solutions with management for creating greater equity in the organization.  Manage committee expectations that not all requests may be adopted immediately, but there is receptivity to new ideas, processes and structures, and a willingness to dialogue.  It is important as well to ask for volunteers, but not appoint staff to serve on this committee.  You want to avoid burdening marginalized staff with additional unwanted unpaid service.  Best to encourage volunteers who are passionate about the message, who want to make this contribution to the organization and their colleagues.  Alternatively, you can hire a paid consultant with expertise and lived experience in a disadvantaged group to engage with your staff and management for custom training or other program. 

There is no better time than now to be a Servant-Leader, or take on some of those qualities.*  Be a trusted person to come to, to confide in.  Find out what your staff need from you in order for them to be successful at the plan you designed or agreed to, remove obstacles, coach and mentor, and get out of their way – as long as they are aligned with your strategy (unless you need a new strategy)!  This is good for business performance and morale.

Hopefully you got your team’s input on your strategy, and everyone is bought into the overall goal.  Giving staff some leeway how they get there, combined with clear expectations for performance and results, can be the most effective way to innovate and pivot as circumstances or information changes.  If there is one thing we can count on going forward, it’s change and uncertainty!

Allow your teams to innovate how they work, to find efficiencies, to provide upward feedback, to develop new products or services that meet the needs of your clients and customers they are face to face (mask to mask) with.  If you are pivoting more to online, and customers are telling your account or client service reps that your user interface is cumbersome to use, or has only white people in the pictures, you’re probably losing business from that.  If your staff suggest a new or improved health & safety protective measure, that’s valuable feedback too.  Taking the advice from your front lines and acting on it is a great way to show you care about your staff and customers.

It’s important now more than ever to listen more than talk, and invite others to take the floor too.  Give space to learn, grow, evolve.

Take a good look as well, if you don’t have a very diverse team, why is that?  You may want to take a closer look at your recruitment and retention practices.  It makes a difference who is representing you on campus and on interview panels, and screening your applications. 

This may also be a good time to conduct an anonymous staff engagement or feedback survey, which can give you valuable insights about how staff perceive things like their jobs, workplaces, management, colleagues, culture, diversity, training and organizational effectiveness.  I can help manage this, present results, and facilitate action planning. 

Please contact me if you would like to discuss any of the above, or any HR solutions or advice I may be able to offer.

Good luck, keep safe, and keep the lines of communication open. 

Hal Johnson story (June 16, 2020): https://www.cbc.ca/news/entertainment/hal-johnson-racism-body-break-1.5614395

*Servant Leadership: https://www.greenleaf.org/what-is-servant-leadership/